Sustainable Holistic Water Resources Management in a Changing Climate


We are immensely thankful to Dr. Raju and Dr. Vasan to present in front of you, their best work SUSTAINABLE HOLISTIC WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN CHANGING CLIMATE.

This book will show you the efforts put in by both the authors as well as our publication. The book talks about the water resources both in quantity as well as quality which are dwindling and demands that are increasing exponentially.



Sustainable Holistic Water Resources Management in a Changing Climate

Authors: Dr. K. Srinivasa Raju and Dr. A. Vasan

Publishers: Jain Brothers

Year of Publication: 2017


ISBN: 978-81-8360-253-2


The book has been presented by the authors in a beautiful manner where they are going to make you understand about water resources both in the quality as well as quantity and are also going to elaborate you numerous modelling techniques that have been becoming familiar by addressing most of the challenges of water resources planning problems.


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