The Practice Set Of Objective Forestry
The Practice Set Of Objective Forestry
The book has been designed for the students who want to pursue ASRB, NET, SET, FOREST GUARD, FOREST RANGER, ACF and various Agricultural examinations.
The main objective of the book is to help the readers to quickly grasp the facts comprehensively and systematically from various branches of forestry like Agroforestry, Silviculture, Silviculture Systems, Forest Management and various other topics.
The book has been prepared in most simple, clean and appropriate manner which covers all the courses of competitive questions and helps the students to understand each and every topic of the book in the best way.
Authors: Vikas Kumar , T.K. Kunhamu and Sarita Kumari
Publishers: Jain Brothers
Year of Publication: 3rd Edition, 2022
Language: English
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