Plant Layout Material Handling
Plant Layout Material Handling
Plant layout integrates locations. buildings, services, machinery, material handling the systems and equipments in one compact system. In this book an attempt has been made to cover the fundamental and basic principles of all the important aspects of plant layout and material handling.
the book describes in describes in detail the procedures by which many phases of plant layout can be systematically integrated in a sequence. Various techniques and tools of layout planning has also been discussed in details so that one can approach a layout study in the most systematic and scientific way.
This book intends to serve as a textbook for elective paper at under graduate level and a course at post graduate level in engineering as well as management studies. This book also intends to serve AMIE ( Sec B) students of Mechanical engineering.
Plant Layout Material Handling
Author: G.K. Aggarwal
Publishers: Jain Brothers
Year of Publication: 2019
Language: English
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